Signing Off For The Week.

There has been a lot of buzz over the last few years about work-life balance.

It’s a topic we discuss regularly between our two-person-team since our work and professional lives are so intertwined.


We LOVE the work we do, we love the people we get to do it with and we love the vibrant communities we are surrounded by when we get out to do our live-printing.

But at the end of the day this wonderful work that we love is that - its work and a lot of it.

We recently read an article from 99U where they interviewed Katrina Onstadt (author of The Weekend Effect) about leaving work at work and taking your weekends back. Here’s a little segment that hit a little close to home:

If you love your work, it’s really hard to turn it off, and there are all kinds of forces at play that are opposed to you turning it off, including your own sense of self. If you’re a creative professional and you’re in a museum and you get a note of inspiration, you might think, This is something I need to post to Instagram. But if we’re always feeding our “work selves,” it takes us out of the present moment…

At The Side Garage, we want to make sure that we are our best whole-selves so we can be our best work-selves to serve our clients and community to the best of our ability. If you’ve followed along with our spring and early summer months, we’ve been a little busy and have both felt the burn of the hustle.

So we’re “signing off” for the week.

We’ll still be checking our e-mail and you might walk by the shop and catch one of us printing, but we’re signing off from set-hours so we can rest and come back more present in our work and home lives.

As always - we’re thankful for your support and want to send out love to our community, clients, family and friends.

Enjoy the holiday week!

- Ashleigh, Elena, Pete + Thulee


Meet the Makers: Northern Vessel


Meet the Makers: Marnē